1000 GMT / 0500 US Eastern time – Bank of England Financial Policy Committee External Member Carolyn Wilkins will give speech at Fitch Ratings ‘Geopolitics and financial stability: a plan beats no plan’
The Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee (FPC) was established in 2013 to improve financial stability after the financial crisis
- leads BoE work on financial stability
- identifies and monitors risks that threaten the resilience of the UK financial system as a whole
- also has power to take action to counter those risks
FPC also has a secondary objective to support the economic policy of the Government. At least once a year, the Chancellor makes recommendations about the FPC’s responsibilities for financial stability and also about the Government’s growth and employment objectives.
Wilkins is ex of the Bank of Canada
This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.